Sunday, November 14, 2004
lauren's draft
just playing with this right now, but here's the first draft minus a few stanzas yet to be written....(cut me some slack, I wrote it sitting in the hookah bar surrounded by strange new-agers and bad music...
imagining you
on clean sanded beaches
salt winds whipped to frenzy,
blonde lock essence
on salt winds
at best imagination,
if only imagination,
lemon flavored, intense
flowing estimated glory,
ascertained turn away-kisses
dropped water murmurs,
slow-breathing sleep
next to imagination
salt winded blonde
imagined waking laughter
clean hand mastery
shallow close breath
answered figure dancers sway
waking in salt breeze
sweet laughter
carried on salt winds
ok, that's all i have right now, but there will be a new draft sooner or later here....leave a post, tell the world what you saw on teh brown couch...
ps - everything I said about Joe Henry is also true about Bruce Cockburn. Thanks Canada!
imagining you
on clean sanded beaches
salt winds whipped to frenzy,
blonde lock essence
on salt winds
at best imagination,
if only imagination,
lemon flavored, intense
flowing estimated glory,
ascertained turn away-kisses
dropped water murmurs,
slow-breathing sleep
next to imagination
salt winded blonde
imagined waking laughter
clean hand mastery
shallow close breath
answered figure dancers sway
waking in salt breeze
sweet laughter
carried on salt winds
ok, that's all i have right now, but there will be a new draft sooner or later here....leave a post, tell the world what you saw on teh brown couch...
ps - everything I said about Joe Henry is also true about Bruce Cockburn. Thanks Canada!
Thursday, November 04, 2004
a new poem...
ok, not new, just dug it up from the archives, but let's put it into cyberspace and watch as absolutely nothing happens!!!
diamond-eyed smile
you talk best at 3 a.m.
awake under stars,
diamonds in your eyes
quiet satisfaction
intertwined fingers
purple flowers cover your trail,
bending under footsteps, raindrops
you lean close, whisper maybe,
watch me smile, laugh
bright darkness closes fingers
squeezing hands when you ask if
i want your future,
your present is enough
so you’ve never taken that road before,
just trust it will take you back home
safe, just in time,
put away rusty knives,
something hidden from view
when you stop home, night over,
do you wander dreams waiting
under blankets, or smile,
maybe letting details pass lips to ear
soon sunshine summer breeze will bring
winter’s call, changing rules, dreams
friends following songlines away,
though here you can stand to stop, think
walking mountains, skimming lakes
chrysalis baby, i’ve seen you walk
under falling petals and blowing winds,
diamond eyes pour kind light
like beautiful tomorrow
softly whispered smile,
closed finger grasp
Written back in april of this year to a good...friend? Who the fuck knows what the fuck we are today, but since verbage and activity and possibility know no bounds....maybe someone will read and enjoy.
diamond-eyed smile
you talk best at 3 a.m.
awake under stars,
diamonds in your eyes
quiet satisfaction
intertwined fingers
purple flowers cover your trail,
bending under footsteps, raindrops
you lean close, whisper maybe,
watch me smile, laugh
bright darkness closes fingers
squeezing hands when you ask if
i want your future,
your present is enough
so you’ve never taken that road before,
just trust it will take you back home
safe, just in time,
put away rusty knives,
something hidden from view
when you stop home, night over,
do you wander dreams waiting
under blankets, or smile,
maybe letting details pass lips to ear
soon sunshine summer breeze will bring
winter’s call, changing rules, dreams
friends following songlines away,
though here you can stand to stop, think
walking mountains, skimming lakes
chrysalis baby, i’ve seen you walk
under falling petals and blowing winds,
diamond eyes pour kind light
like beautiful tomorrow
softly whispered smile,
closed finger grasp
Written back in april of this year to a good...friend? Who the fuck knows what the fuck we are today, but since verbage and activity and possibility know no bounds....maybe someone will read and enjoy.
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
a political post...
As I sit here trying to write something I know nobody is going to read, I am torn by everything I saw and heard last night. Prior to Tues, even up through 7 or 8 at night, I thought Kerry would pull it out. As it turns out, there's no beating W when it comes to Rove elections.
Before too much gnashing of teeth and tearing asunder of clothes, I am trying to keep my rational mind functioning. Certainly, we can expect more of the same through the next four years, but the fact is I (as well as many others) won't pick up a gun to defend Bush, and won't join the civil service or any other governmental group representing President orangutan. As it stands, my hunch is that for most Americans, election rhetoric notwithstanding, this may not have been the most important election of all time. (Besides, someone kicks that dead dog every other year...) For most of us, the true impact will be negligible, and what will be interesting will be to see how this unfolds for the nation over the next 2 years. Will we see another invasion? Probably. Will there be a change in the economy? Probably not, unless you are in the top 1% or so. The rest of us will just get poorer and more disparate as the middle class retreats to the margins. Will we see massive changes to the Constitution, Supreme Court and social issues? Some yes, some no. My hunch is that eventually stem cell research will be federally funded, as this movement has solid support outside of the coastal regions. Gay marriage bans? 11 states already said yes, so it looks doubtful for a national movement, but I do know this; there is no ethical or moralistic rationale for denying gay couples the benefits of marriage. Perhaps the Christian fundamentalists see things a bit differently, but why take the word of someone who truly believes the hotline to god has a White House extension. The most damaging is the likelihood of Bush proposing new Sup. Ct. Justices, though that is another political post for another day.
So, for the most part, as depressed as I feel about America in general, it will be interesting to watch this stuff unfold for the next 4 years. Just remember all you Neocons and Bushheads out there, now you are responsible for the results you brought. The next dead American coming home from Iraq, Afghanistan or any other far flung outpost of this Empire will be your doing. The next neighborhood kid to ship out for our wars of conquest may be your son or daughter, or husband or wife. As for me, I'll be staying here, nice and comfy in academia with my 4-F draft status and an aching back.
Other stuff...hard to think about anything outside the Presidential race today, mostly just grumblings about how the Senate and House have gerrymandered themselves into office forever (OK, not the Senate, but certainly the House...) Here again, no clear majority (60 in the Senate) so there will still lbe the usual amount of filibusters and bullshit quorum calls without much getting done.
Maybe the last glint of light to remember is that had Kerry won, he would have been dealing with a Repug legislative branch, so it would have limited his ability to make drastic changes (he wouldn't have done that with a clear majority either, but one can hope...) and alter the course of some of the Bush initiatives. Andrew Sullivan makes this point very clear in this entry from He writes "My main fear with a Kerry victory was that the hard right would never have given him a chance in the war, and would have savaged him as commander-in-chief in order to pave the way for a victory in 2008. Ratcheting the country back to fiscal sanity would also have been a thankless task. Now, Bush will face the consequences of his own policies and we will be able to judge him on that. He has no excuses any more. I hope he succeeds in Iraq, in reforming social security. But no one should give him an easy pass if he fails."
I guess I feel the same way, I hope President orangutan does right by the country. But I don't expect him to, any more than I expect any genuine progress economically, socially, politically, or substantively. The sad fact is that his track record suggests higher deficit spending, more war dead and wounded, less inclusive social atmosphere and a wretched environment. Hopefully the true harmful effects of these issues will hit hardest in FL, OH, MI, LA, TX, VA, etc. Middle America desired W, now they have him, Cheers to you.
Lastly, I think it is appropriate to point out that this is the second election in a row where an intellectual semi-progressive (at least compared with W) has lost to a moron with a weird smile. THird party? Any third party here? Democrats? Looking for a wiser choice next time, for god's sake, NOT JOHN EDWARDS!!! Can we nominate Clinton again if he changes his name?
ps - No songs here today, just Nick Drake fingering his guitar and mumbling in the background. Sorry Kerry, you just couldn't pull it together fast enough.
Other blogs to check:
Talking Points Memo - Joshua Marshall's blog, an awesome place for lefty leaning political discourse...Great post election posting here.
BagnewsNotes - Interesting lefty commentary, as well as good political cartoons.
Eschaton - Proud member of the reality based world community. Run by Atrios, cross posted stuff on a lot of blogs web-wide. Sharp commentary.
Kausfiles - Slate Magazine blog by Mickey Kaus.
Smirking Chimp - Great analysis, "Ask not at whom the chimp smirks, he smirks at you!" Take a guess!
well, back to Grad School essays and applications, more to post later on political and social issues, and maybe even a personal post about three comments overheard today, one really mean and the other two not so bad.
Before too much gnashing of teeth and tearing asunder of clothes, I am trying to keep my rational mind functioning. Certainly, we can expect more of the same through the next four years, but the fact is I (as well as many others) won't pick up a gun to defend Bush, and won't join the civil service or any other governmental group representing President orangutan. As it stands, my hunch is that for most Americans, election rhetoric notwithstanding, this may not have been the most important election of all time. (Besides, someone kicks that dead dog every other year...) For most of us, the true impact will be negligible, and what will be interesting will be to see how this unfolds for the nation over the next 2 years. Will we see another invasion? Probably. Will there be a change in the economy? Probably not, unless you are in the top 1% or so. The rest of us will just get poorer and more disparate as the middle class retreats to the margins. Will we see massive changes to the Constitution, Supreme Court and social issues? Some yes, some no. My hunch is that eventually stem cell research will be federally funded, as this movement has solid support outside of the coastal regions. Gay marriage bans? 11 states already said yes, so it looks doubtful for a national movement, but I do know this; there is no ethical or moralistic rationale for denying gay couples the benefits of marriage. Perhaps the Christian fundamentalists see things a bit differently, but why take the word of someone who truly believes the hotline to god has a White House extension. The most damaging is the likelihood of Bush proposing new Sup. Ct. Justices, though that is another political post for another day.
So, for the most part, as depressed as I feel about America in general, it will be interesting to watch this stuff unfold for the next 4 years. Just remember all you Neocons and Bushheads out there, now you are responsible for the results you brought. The next dead American coming home from Iraq, Afghanistan or any other far flung outpost of this Empire will be your doing. The next neighborhood kid to ship out for our wars of conquest may be your son or daughter, or husband or wife. As for me, I'll be staying here, nice and comfy in academia with my 4-F draft status and an aching back.
Other stuff...hard to think about anything outside the Presidential race today, mostly just grumblings about how the Senate and House have gerrymandered themselves into office forever (OK, not the Senate, but certainly the House...) Here again, no clear majority (60 in the Senate) so there will still lbe the usual amount of filibusters and bullshit quorum calls without much getting done.
Maybe the last glint of light to remember is that had Kerry won, he would have been dealing with a Repug legislative branch, so it would have limited his ability to make drastic changes (he wouldn't have done that with a clear majority either, but one can hope...) and alter the course of some of the Bush initiatives. Andrew Sullivan makes this point very clear in this entry from He writes "My main fear with a Kerry victory was that the hard right would never have given him a chance in the war, and would have savaged him as commander-in-chief in order to pave the way for a victory in 2008. Ratcheting the country back to fiscal sanity would also have been a thankless task. Now, Bush will face the consequences of his own policies and we will be able to judge him on that. He has no excuses any more. I hope he succeeds in Iraq, in reforming social security. But no one should give him an easy pass if he fails."
I guess I feel the same way, I hope President orangutan does right by the country. But I don't expect him to, any more than I expect any genuine progress economically, socially, politically, or substantively. The sad fact is that his track record suggests higher deficit spending, more war dead and wounded, less inclusive social atmosphere and a wretched environment. Hopefully the true harmful effects of these issues will hit hardest in FL, OH, MI, LA, TX, VA, etc. Middle America desired W, now they have him, Cheers to you.
Lastly, I think it is appropriate to point out that this is the second election in a row where an intellectual semi-progressive (at least compared with W) has lost to a moron with a weird smile. THird party? Any third party here? Democrats? Looking for a wiser choice next time, for god's sake, NOT JOHN EDWARDS!!! Can we nominate Clinton again if he changes his name?
ps - No songs here today, just Nick Drake fingering his guitar and mumbling in the background. Sorry Kerry, you just couldn't pull it together fast enough.
Other blogs to check:
Talking Points Memo - Joshua Marshall's blog, an awesome place for lefty leaning political discourse...Great post election posting here.
BagnewsNotes - Interesting lefty commentary, as well as good political cartoons.
Eschaton - Proud member of the reality based world community. Run by Atrios, cross posted stuff on a lot of blogs web-wide. Sharp commentary.
Kausfiles - Slate Magazine blog by Mickey Kaus.
Smirking Chimp - Great analysis, "Ask not at whom the chimp smirks, he smirks at you!" Take a guess!
well, back to Grad School essays and applications, more to post later on political and social issues, and maybe even a personal post about three comments overheard today, one really mean and the other two not so bad.