Thursday, November 04, 2004

a new poem...

ok, not new, just dug it up from the archives, but let's put it into cyberspace and watch as absolutely nothing happens!!!


diamond-eyed smile

you talk best at 3 a.m.
awake under stars,
diamonds in your eyes
quiet satisfaction
intertwined fingers

purple flowers cover your trail,
bending under footsteps, raindrops
you lean close, whisper maybe,
watch me smile, laugh

bright darkness closes fingers
squeezing hands when you ask if
i want your future,
your present is enough

so you’ve never taken that road before,
just trust it will take you back home
safe, just in time,
put away rusty knives,
something hidden from view

when you stop home, night over,
do you wander dreams waiting
under blankets, or smile,
maybe letting details pass lips to ear

soon sunshine summer breeze will bring
winter’s call, changing rules, dreams
friends following songlines away,
though here you can stand to stop, think
walking mountains, skimming lakes

chrysalis baby, i’ve seen you walk
under falling petals and blowing winds,
diamond eyes pour kind light
like beautiful tomorrow
softly whispered smile,
closed finger grasp

Written back in april of this year to a good...friend? Who the fuck knows what the fuck we are today, but since verbage and activity and possibility know no bounds....maybe someone will read and enjoy.


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