Tuesday, March 01, 2005

too much stuff...

Totally ready to cash out for a while, I havne't posted in this space because lately time is flying and I am pressed for time. That isn't true exactly, there is plenty of time for the few responsibilities that I have. I'm just usually so exhausted I can't remember what it is I'm supposed to be doing. I love getting like 3 weeks into one of these insomniac phases. Shit gets so fuzzy that I actually stop thinking for a few minutes. "Of course, we have to take the good with the bad. New advancements in electronics gives us the finest in adult erotic entertainment. One hundred percent electronic."

The Dude: "Well, I still jerk off manually."

Jackie Treehorn: "Of course you do."

Now that makes little sense to you as a reference. As I write, I am almost doubled over laughing because it's so fucking funny and it makes no fucking sense. (In all fairness, I usually do this with diet pills. Unfortunately, the FDA decided I can no longer get cheap ephedrine at the corner store, so this time it is pure "Let's not sleep cause I'm tired of staring at the ceiling and if I listen to one more Enya song I am going to get up out of this bed and throw my speakers out the window.

Now lest you think I am complaining, I am not. There are things I genuinely enjoy about being up all ngiht, and the last few days have been really busy with periods of intense fun crammed in between an ever increasing amount of Mavericks and Taj Mahal music appearing magically on my computer. So, bonus, more good music, et. al. Cards have been rough of late, and my judgements a bit shot. Quick, stickpins, I'll be more responsive tomorrow. Even Katherine Hepburn had off days.

Well, off to do homework and contemplate some poems I have been working on. (Someday, when I die, someone will go through my journals, notebooks and computers and find a lot of stuff. I gotta remember to do something with it. Oh, and if you are in the area, drop by for some friendly cahds tomorrow. Same bat time, same bat place. "CrbianFool's Foolish Casino, Cafe, Nightclub & Youth Hostel. I liked the brand so much, I bought the company."

hehehe. I'm laughing. Now get me a cigarette. It's time for brutality, and a beer.

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