Tuesday, March 08, 2005

man i love that dirty water...

A whirlwind trip that was one part isolation and one part consolation. In short, exactly what I needed. Stumbling through my apartment door at 4 a.m. and flipping on "Godfather 3" on HBO, watching Pacino struggle with a shitty script and horrible acting. As always, Pacino was great, but what can you do? That was how I feel about Saturday night. Awesome fun times and I swear, what is it about stupidity that so attracts me? And by that, I mean my own stupidity, not anyone else's. Despite the strange vibes, it felt great to wake up that way, and while I sincerely doubt the intent and the supposition were the same for both of us, there is only so much of someone that you can read without becoming more the glacially interested. I am not of the mind it would pay off no matter what the circumstances, though it certainly would be interesting on a bet to see what moves certain people.

Now, I would not say that I lie constantly. I will cop to the idea I like to play fast and loose with the truth, but since it is such a droll concept to be stuck in the notion that there is an inherent right or wrong, I cannot in good faith be anything other than who I am. Besides, doesn't anyone else see the degree of supposition in each action? Every pinioned assumption represents a very defined state of affairs, perhaps far more than we are willing to admit. I would dearly love to find out if I am the only one who thinks this, but I am unsure how to better define what I am talking about, and most people assume it is a waste to spend time on the minutiae when such major things are being said. I don't know what major things are being said, but from the look of most people, there is a decidedly intransigent nature to humanity, one I can only guess at and try to understand.

Had one of those great blood brother moments shooting 9 ball with my man back home. I do wish he was here or I was there, but since there ain't much I can do about that, I'll have to do a better job staying in touch. Among my many failings, remembering to call or write to those not present sometimes gets lost int he shuffle. It is one of my true SOB qualities, but I am going to try and get better about that. I'd write more, but this part is nobody's business but mine, and you gotta draw the line somewhere. Otherwise, we are just bloody savages, and then we'd all just wander around flinging feces at each other and fucking in trees.

Tonight, I will settle a personal bet and then tomorrow is true naked lunch day. After that, I can't promise anything except that we will be closer to April 3 (start of the MLB season) and I'll have shed a few more brain cells. Dear reader, I wanna tell you a story. All about my town. My town down by the river, the banks of the River Charles. Who needs jesus when you have a Damon in center field? Who needs the agony of that one that got away, when you have the treasure and beauty of the one that DIDN'T?


ps - dirty-mutha-fucking-watah...;t it be played early and often in Fenway. Give my love to Tessie, she's the one who never let's us down. RED SOX NATION BABY!!


pps - you should totally see my car. Coated with boston paraphenalia, and there is this awesome Einstein action figure i got hanging from the coat hook. OK, OK, I'm going....

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