Monday, January 03, 2005

take another road...

Almost 25. That seems strange, but another birthday is a sunrise away and I am stuck in town. (Lack of funding, lack of reliable transportation, etc.) So, instead of sitting around and smoking my birthday away, I will change tactics and drink until the bar closes. A side note: It has always been strange to have a birthday during winter break, mostly cause there is really never anyone around, but I don't think I will have to try to hard to get the barmaids attention, and lets be honest, all I want, aside from tasty waves and a cool buzz is cold Bud Light (thanks Paul!) and some scenery to look at. Good conversation is nice, but hard to find, and tomorrow I will be in no mood to rehash the last year. So, if you desire to buy me an ice cold one from the Bar, I'll be at Rivermill as long as I can drink for. (The Rivermill is a fine local drinking establishment, and dare I say it, the best bar in town. It also has a pretty far out staff, and a crack team of bartenders that pour drinks directly into glasses and can all, as far as I know, dispense Bud Light with World Champion calibre bartenders.)

So, aside from that, it will be your average Tuesday. With the playoffs coming this weekend ( or next for those of you in NE or PA!!!!) plus school and mailing out those appy's, it would seem things are going well. Though I worry about what to watch in the sporting world post SB XXXIX (is that 39? Fucking romans...) I suppose like most things, that matter will resolve itself without too much impetus from me. It would seem most problems are like that. Every day, the past has less of a hold on me and the future digs in. That seems to be progress, and we can't have enough of that in this blasted country.


OK, it has been postualted by many that Might (as force) can not only eluciate a positive long term cessation of hostilities as well as a peaceful world. Before answering this claim of might as right specifically, it will be good to think about humanity in a more clear eyed and realistic way. In this case, I refer to the organized society of cultural clash and the factors precipitating this clash. I think it can be safely said that the underlying cause of conflict is the continued assurance of existence. This means life first and foremost, and secondly, the continuation of specific cultural-centric behaviors adopted by individuals to conform (in many varying degrees) to an established identity. The premise here is that the factors that sustain life (food, water, shelter, clothing, et. al) must be protected at all costs. Now, many might ask me "What about religous/ethnic/gender/racial conflict? What role does that play in your theory?"

My reply is simple. None. Each is a smokescreen for an organizing tenet of identity, the very symbolic and often manipulated poles of control that develop the shared symbology I referred to earlier. Don't be confused, I'm not saying there are not specific actions directed for and against individuals on this basis, but each is supported and acted out in large part by both leadership and following acting on a base of unity over shared identity. In the case of protecting the needs of the community, this violence often takes on the aspect of competition for the ultimate prize: Survival.

It has been argued mankind is past the age of struggle for the future. Current events says otherwise. Now, obviously, this need not be so. The continued development of technology would allow for some form of sustenance for the entrie world, so the wars now fought are often coated angain as societal conflict. Localized conflict over resources is more common today than any other warfare, for instnace, see the conflict between Israel and the rest of the Middle East. A fight for water in the desert that is cloaked as ethnic and religous hatred. (Christians, I am not leaving you out here. Y'all have done your fair share of killing and torture, just like EVERYBODY ELSE.)

So back to might as right. The reason this postulate fails as a practical idea is becasue of the variance of cultural primacy. This means who fucks who, and for how long. Every human being should know by about age 20 or so that sometimes, you're the one who controls the tunes, and sometimes you dance to someone else's rhythm. This is as true for nations as it is for individuals, and those that forget that they won't get to play the music forever are usually doomed to get fucked. I'm sure the last few Roman emporers and the current crop of American, British and UN leaders would have a lot to talk about. Shit, there is a reason Tony Blair licks at W's boots.

At any rate, all I am trying to say is that it seems easier to find some peaceful coexistence centered on fulfuilling the basic minimums of existence. I think the governments of the world have all failed equally in this sense. This lack of cooperation between nations and peoples is a sad comment on humanity. But in a country that is so sexually repressed the mere thought of gay marriage incites the more "fundamentalist" among us to knash their teeth and demand that faggots be punished, it is no surprise that the "good christian people" as o'connor might say, cannot do more than talk about charity and demand continued fealty to the man in the sky while making sure to reward "good behavior" with the promise of heaven.

Whew, got really off subject, but someday I will post a more clear and concise explanation of where I am going with this. until then, just know I think might makes right is a glaring example of short sighted and selfish philosophy that will probobly end up costing a lot of people their lives before the planet drops into the sun. But I'll already be gone, so no worries!
Well, off to go find food and smokes, wearing shorts on Jan 3rd!!!!


ps - Songs! "I Don't Know (Spicolli's Theme)," "Take Another Road" both by Jimmy, and "Blue Telescope" by John Hiatt. You may never have heard of John Hiatt, but trust me, you have heard his songs. Everyone has covered John Hiatt, but always let a songwriter speak or sing for himself. Trust me, it's the only way to get to the truth of the matter. "Hey Mr. Paperman, I think it's time to go home...."


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