Monday, January 10, 2005

if i can just get off of this LA freeway....

Wow, what a wasted day. I am getting the distinct impression that things are so in flux right now that I am no longer here. I mean, physically, of course I am in Blacksburg, but emotionally and spiritually, I think I flew the coop some time ago. My only problem is that I don't really know where I am, and until I have resettled, preferably South of here, and closer to the sea. I spose the challenge is to try and ignore the idea that my time in Blacksburg has put me no closer to wherever it is I am going in life. Or maybe I shouldn't ignore it. It is liberating to say, and seems right. Of course, if I am proven wrong, so be it. Either way....

Not much to say tonight. I got nothing done today, but whatever, we'll write it off to the tao and smile about it later on. I managed to shower and shave before 6, but it was pm, not am, so no good boy points there. Smoked a few cigarettes, watched some TV, and played GTASA. A good day no doubt, plus, I read some cool shit about BIlly Joe Shaver and got some new tunes from Cory Morrow and Pat Green, so the day was not a total loss as all are fucking great and should be listened to by anyone who likes REK or David Alan Coe and the like. Good tunes.

"It's A Great Day To Be Alive" is the only song running through my head right now. That and "Live Forever" which has a really sad story to it. Oh well...


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