Friday, October 22, 2004
I wanted to wait before writing this post, so much has happened in the last four days, I needed time to form my thoughts up, chew through everything, the usual thinking time. Plus, I'm tired. My throat hurts. I haven't had a good night's sleep in days, and tomorrow, it will get worse. But it will also get better. World Series, game 1, after pistol whipping the New York Yankees in four straight. How good does it get? Let me say this, loudly and clearly. Every bad thing I have ever gone through, every time I got grounded as a kid, or a breakup, or a job loss, or anything else negative that has ever occured in my life, all worth it. Watching Mientkiewicz squeeze the ball at first, the feeling was as close to pure happiness I have ever felt. For once, the season would end, and the Sox were the ones celebrating in The Toilet. I don't know what will happen in the WS, but I know our pitching is better and the hitting is probobly a wash, so let's play. Back to the ever lucky Rivermill for more fun and games Saturday at 8. Hot damn, that's gonna be a good time. The Mill was rocking and rolling all ngiht for game 7, and there were even a few MFY fans in the place. They left the second the game ended, so I didn't get to dish it out double fisted as the saying goes, but a great fucking night nonetheless.
Other stuff...Well, I hate to jinx myself, but I have started to recover a little confidence in terms of Grad School. First pick is Tech, but I'll apply at a bunch of schools, see what happens, you never know, might not be a bad idea to have a few options should shit hit the fan here...not that I expect it too, but I've never stayed in one place very long, and I suspect I'll be on my way from here sometime in the next 3 years or so, maybe even for the Caribbean. BUt first grad school, and despite my lack of faith in the quality of personage in this town, it will make a good place to stay for the next 4 years and get my money degree. I expect to spend most of my time working on writing and publishing, just for shits and giggles.
People and Places....working at Gumby's is fun, it's like walking around an all you can eat bar and knowing you can eat whatever you want, as long as you prepare all teh ingredients and do all the cooking, much fun. I will be experimenting with my ultimate pizza soon, one of those slow days without too much to do. It will be larger than your average pizza, and contain more ingredients. Plus, it will have cheese and sauce and stuff and things. Plus, it will taste awesome and shit, so yeah, go me.
Can't remember if I posted about it, but I finished my first draft of my first short story, though it still needs a title. I think the draft title is "Gentleman Prefer Blondes," which I like, but I believe I have ripped off somebody, and no sense doing that. After careful consideration, I think the story is about redemption/salvation, and what is possible even under the most dire of situations. It needs a lot of work, but I will be working the kinks out after workshopping it and getting comments. I have my own ideas though, and I would be a liar if I said I thought someone else could do a better job than me on the editing of MY work. OK, that's just me being a dick.
Plenty of papers to write, but they are al lshort. It will be bitchin' to get into grad school and do some actual work and learn some shit instead of doing this undergrad crap. I swear, 90% of the people you see every day on the street seem curiously unable to ponder the implications of the world around them. Forget the big issues, I don't think most people conceive that there is a more efficient means of life. I don't mean efficiency in terms of speed, but in terms of happiness. I don't know, maybe I don't understand this world. I'm told I'm cynical. Must be true...
Well, that's a good little finger dump, I should get on that homework if I'm gonna have any time to write this week. Sox in the series, a short story in my head, and no time. Wow, no wonder so many writers take uppers. I should really cut those downers out....hahahaha, of course not! The evil empire has fallen, and the rebels have won the day!!!!!
ps - Songs! "Black Eyed Dog" by Nick Drake, "Brown Eyed Woman" by the Grateful Dead, and "Does This Bus Stop At 82nd Street?" by Bruce Springsteen.
"Queen of diamonds, ace of spades
newly discovered lovers of the everglades
They take out a full page ad in the trades
to announce their arrival
And Mary Lou she found out how to cope,
she rides to heaven on a gyroscope
The Daily News asks her for the dope
She says "Man, the dope's that there's still hope"
Senorita, Spanish rose, wipes her eyes and blows her nose
Uptown in Harlem she throws a rose
to some lucky, young matador."
(word & music by Bruce Springsteen)
Other stuff...Well, I hate to jinx myself, but I have started to recover a little confidence in terms of Grad School. First pick is Tech, but I'll apply at a bunch of schools, see what happens, you never know, might not be a bad idea to have a few options should shit hit the fan here...not that I expect it too, but I've never stayed in one place very long, and I suspect I'll be on my way from here sometime in the next 3 years or so, maybe even for the Caribbean. BUt first grad school, and despite my lack of faith in the quality of personage in this town, it will make a good place to stay for the next 4 years and get my money degree. I expect to spend most of my time working on writing and publishing, just for shits and giggles.
People and Places....working at Gumby's is fun, it's like walking around an all you can eat bar and knowing you can eat whatever you want, as long as you prepare all teh ingredients and do all the cooking, much fun. I will be experimenting with my ultimate pizza soon, one of those slow days without too much to do. It will be larger than your average pizza, and contain more ingredients. Plus, it will have cheese and sauce and stuff and things. Plus, it will taste awesome and shit, so yeah, go me.
Can't remember if I posted about it, but I finished my first draft of my first short story, though it still needs a title. I think the draft title is "Gentleman Prefer Blondes," which I like, but I believe I have ripped off somebody, and no sense doing that. After careful consideration, I think the story is about redemption/salvation, and what is possible even under the most dire of situations. It needs a lot of work, but I will be working the kinks out after workshopping it and getting comments. I have my own ideas though, and I would be a liar if I said I thought someone else could do a better job than me on the editing of MY work. OK, that's just me being a dick.
Plenty of papers to write, but they are al lshort. It will be bitchin' to get into grad school and do some actual work and learn some shit instead of doing this undergrad crap. I swear, 90% of the people you see every day on the street seem curiously unable to ponder the implications of the world around them. Forget the big issues, I don't think most people conceive that there is a more efficient means of life. I don't mean efficiency in terms of speed, but in terms of happiness. I don't know, maybe I don't understand this world. I'm told I'm cynical. Must be true...
Well, that's a good little finger dump, I should get on that homework if I'm gonna have any time to write this week. Sox in the series, a short story in my head, and no time. Wow, no wonder so many writers take uppers. I should really cut those downers out....hahahaha, of course not! The evil empire has fallen, and the rebels have won the day!!!!!
ps - Songs! "Black Eyed Dog" by Nick Drake, "Brown Eyed Woman" by the Grateful Dead, and "Does This Bus Stop At 82nd Street?" by Bruce Springsteen.
"Queen of diamonds, ace of spades
newly discovered lovers of the everglades
They take out a full page ad in the trades
to announce their arrival
And Mary Lou she found out how to cope,
she rides to heaven on a gyroscope
The Daily News asks her for the dope
She says "Man, the dope's that there's still hope"
Senorita, Spanish rose, wipes her eyes and blows her nose
Uptown in Harlem she throws a rose
to some lucky, young matador."
(word & music by Bruce Springsteen)