Tuesday, October 26, 2004
game three and ruminations...
Before sinking into a few strange thoughts I've been having lately, I have to mention a great article on the Red Sox in today's Bosotn Globe. The article was written by Dan Shaunessy, whom I have read for a few years, and despite the whole "Knight's of the Keyboard" thing (that was him, wasn't it?) I have always enjoyed his writing. e seems a bit focused on the negative side of things, but thats Boston. Anyhow, find the article here. It is all about the family connections of Sox fans, how it is a generational thing, just a good mother fucking article. Now if Pedro shows up tonight, we could looking down the barrel of a 3-0 lead in the series. Good karma for a lot of other things and maybe some people too, but it remains to be seen. Come on down to Rivermill tonight and join all of us sickos in celebrating something huge....Gametime at 8.
In all the excitement of Red Sox baseball and Patriots football, a brief important note. If you wish to join myself and a few others voting on Nov. 2, please drop me an email.
One note though - no Bushites needed. Y'all can go vote for that Ape on your own. I realize VA is a Repub state, but we are just gonna go ahead and pretend there is a good valid reason to vote for Kerry and register my complaint against the current administration. So, sorry to all you Republicans (do any Republicans read this blog???) but everyone who is still somewhat sane should vote for Kerry. He ins't the solution, but he is the less worse....Oh, and check out this site, great commentary from a dude Texas AM, right in the belly of the beast. Great website, sound logic.
Other stuff??? THe usual blizzard of events going so fast I can't remember half the time where I am in the story of my life. I have the vague sense of embarrassment that I said something I shouldn't have to someone I care about more than I thought (I can be mealy-mouthed with the best of them!) But then, someitmes, I wonder if I'm not on the path with that one after all...Oh well, future never tells and the present never knows...
Good poetry last night, but I forgot to ask permission to post anything, so maybe later. Big week here, fucking World Series, working on a short story, omnipresent homework and poetry talk, plus I am told this is a big week for the pizza industry, and I am at the very center, making the dough and crust that Blacksburgianites love to sink they're teeth into. It doesn't pay much, but the benefits are one of a kind...
So, off to smoke a cig and then off to campus for a day of learning and maybe ducking one class to go eat some food because I am very fucking hungry. On second thought, I don't think you can buy what I'm hungry for, and no, that is not a crude sex joke. Well, maybe partially. But the real reference as to beating the MFC's tonight. All hail Pedro Martinez, Joe Henry, and Don Miguel Ruiz. (Google that last one and read his book, amazing stuff. We should all be so lucky to find Toltec heritage!)
"Now the devil may care when you've had enough
Of whatever it is overflowing your cup
I'll follow you down but'm not coming up,
I'm dead to the world..."
(Joe Henry)
ps - Sault Saint Marie & ellen cherry charles....hahahahahaha (i wish i had a smiley face graphic for right here...dammit, the moment is gone, and I missed it!)
In all the excitement of Red Sox baseball and Patriots football, a brief important note. If you wish to join myself and a few others voting on Nov. 2, please drop me an email.
One note though - no Bushites needed. Y'all can go vote for that Ape on your own. I realize VA is a Repub state, but we are just gonna go ahead and pretend there is a good valid reason to vote for Kerry and register my complaint against the current administration. So, sorry to all you Republicans (do any Republicans read this blog???) but everyone who is still somewhat sane should vote for Kerry. He ins't the solution, but he is the less worse....Oh, and check out this site, great commentary from a dude Texas AM, right in the belly of the beast. Great website, sound logic.
Other stuff??? THe usual blizzard of events going so fast I can't remember half the time where I am in the story of my life. I have the vague sense of embarrassment that I said something I shouldn't have to someone I care about more than I thought (I can be mealy-mouthed with the best of them!) But then, someitmes, I wonder if I'm not on the path with that one after all...Oh well, future never tells and the present never knows...
Good poetry last night, but I forgot to ask permission to post anything, so maybe later. Big week here, fucking World Series, working on a short story, omnipresent homework and poetry talk, plus I am told this is a big week for the pizza industry, and I am at the very center, making the dough and crust that Blacksburgianites love to sink they're teeth into. It doesn't pay much, but the benefits are one of a kind...
So, off to smoke a cig and then off to campus for a day of learning and maybe ducking one class to go eat some food because I am very fucking hungry. On second thought, I don't think you can buy what I'm hungry for, and no, that is not a crude sex joke. Well, maybe partially. But the real reference as to beating the MFC's tonight. All hail Pedro Martinez, Joe Henry, and Don Miguel Ruiz. (Google that last one and read his book, amazing stuff. We should all be so lucky to find Toltec heritage!)
"Now the devil may care when you've had enough
Of whatever it is overflowing your cup
I'll follow you down but'm not coming up,
I'm dead to the world..."
(Joe Henry)
ps - Sault Saint Marie & ellen cherry charles....hahahahahaha (i wish i had a smiley face graphic for right here...dammit, the moment is gone, and I missed it!)