Tuesday, September 21, 2004

a quote about love...

Tom Robbins talks of love..."Love is private and primitive and a bit on the funky and frightening side. I think of the luna card in the Tarot deck: some strange, huge crustacean, its armor glistening and its pinchers wiggling, clatters out of a pool while wild dogs howl at a bulging moon. Underneath the hearts and flowers, love is loony like that. Attempts to housebreak it, to refine it, to dress the crabs up like doves and make them sing soprano always result in thin blood. You end up with a parody. They're lots of pretty sounds that describe "like," but 'love' is more on the order of barking."

from "Still Life With Woodpecker"

Sounds good to me, and it would explain so much.....


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